J. Bessert
Ontario Highways
While the original intent--and still a major focus--of the Ontario Highways
website was to catalog the various numbered provincial highways, there are
other types of marked highways in the province. Some of the "other" highways
are posted along the numbered routes, while others have nothing to do with
the provincially-maintained system of highways. Because of this, the signing
of some of these "other" types of highways
may be less than thorough and detailed maps may need to be consulted in order
to follow them.
Other Highways
- Great Lakes Circle Tours -
The Great Lakes Circle Tours are marked routes circling four of the Great
Lakes, with Ontario hosting portions of the Lake
Superior, Lake Erie and Lake Huron routes. This portion of the website
details each of these.
- Tourist Routes - This page
details the various Tourist Routes across the province, many of which
have or are in the process of fading into history.
- Municipal Freeways -
Even before the era of provincial highway downloading in the 1990s, Ontario
had its share of freeways which were not maintained by the provincial
government. This page catalogues them.
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